Printed Circuit Boards
Saturn was founded in 1985 by Nagji Sutariya and his two nephews, Perry and Ishvar. From the beginning, Saturn’s mantra was to focus solely on quality, and to learn from, but never repeat, mistakes. From this seemingly simple philosophy, Saturn grew from a humble 3 person operation at an average rate of 25% per year from 1989 through 2000.
Printed Circuit Board Quality for Electronic Manufacturing
We attribute this growth to growing customer satisfaction, a growing referral base, and the overall increase in the use of electronics in manufacturing. Along the way however, Saturn’s management never forgot the original focus on quality. As a result, Saturn achieved its ISO9002 certification in 1985. In 1998, Saturn became the 5th PCB manufacturer in the country to achieve QS9000 certification. With industry-recognized certifications under our belt, we turned our focus towards strict, customer-specific certifications. Between 1998 and 2000 after investing approximately $3 million towards quality and capacity improvements we were certified for high-reliability, safety, and under-hood applications.
The Capacity to Manufacture
As a result of the capital improvements, our capacity doubled by the end of 2000, which was the highest revenue year in Saturn’s history. Unfortunately, with the industry downturn, much of this added capacity went unused through 2002. However, Saturn’s financial strength (we are debt-free with no leases) has allowed us to overcome the downturn by adding even more equipment and processes to expand our product offerings; all still manufacture bare boards at the highest industry quality standards!
Top 30 Bare Board Manufacturers
This continuous improvement culminated in Saturn being the first PCB manufacturer in North America to achieve TS16949 Certification; one of the first manufacturers to receive AS9100 Certification and recently achieved ITAR Registration. This is why today Saturn is one of the Top 50 PCB Manufacturers in the United States.